Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Linda Asaf is voted Austin's Best Designer!

BIG NEWS! The designer I work for, Linda Asaf, was voted in the 2008 Reader's Poll as the "Best Austin Clothing Designer" I am so proud to work for such an amazing designer!

I started working last week... I work Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 12-6. However, some mornings I will have to come in earlier and some evenings I will have to stay later to finish dresses, meet with clients or help out my boss - Linda.

It has been great so far. The other interns are nice and Linda is amazing. I have learned so much from her already!

My work so far has consisted of:
1) An emergency zipper repair on a prom dress
2)Finishing the bustle on a wedding gown that was appliqued with lace by hand
3)Embellishing and altering a wedding gown
4)Redraping and cutting out new bodices for a bridesmaid and prom dress

I'd say that was alot for 20 hours of work!
Tomarrow I have an interview with the Juicy Coture store at the mall. I'm really looking forward to it. After the interview, I will be working at Linda's where I will be meeting with a bride or two and fitting a girl for a prom dress....exciting life huh?!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Ants bite and birds shit...Allison and I get a big Texas-style welcome.

Let me start by saying how exciting my first 24 hours in Texas have been....

Where do I begin?

1. Went to my first Texas doctor. He was foriegn and beautiful and told me that my eye had a bacterial viral infection. Great. Thank you.

2. Allison was attacked by fire ants while innocently unloading the car. While it was funny to watch someone actaully get "ants in their pants", I am pretty sure those ants were sent for me.

3. Still got some sinus business going on that is giving me a man voice. Dr. Sexy told me that it would clear up on its own. (???)

4. While backing out of the Mexican cafe, Allison demanded I stick my head out the window to make sure that we werent going to hit a car/pedistrian. While doing so, I stuck my hand in (fresh) bird poop. Gross. Next time Al, you can borrow my bifocals and do it yourself.

5. There is a bird who sits above the door frame outside of our apartment who likes to poop. He spends his evenings popping down our door, door frame and all over the wall. I wonder what kind of life you must have as a bird to want to sit around and poop all night when you are living

in such an amazing city.

Lyle Lovett wrote a song titled "You're Not From Texas, But Texas Wants You Anyway..." This song is what gave me hope for the summer. While sitting outside the Mexican cafe yesterday, Laura spotted him walking by. I wanted to go up and ask him if he really meant what he said...because I am begining to think hes lying to me given the current trend of events.

We ate at this VERY VERY GOOD pizza place (
I think I am in love.....with Home Slice Pizza.

Getting "screwed" in Texarcana...

So we finally made it.

The ride was going as planned until we reached Texarcana. Texarcana is on the border of Arkansas and Texas, so it is "twice as nice." Thats what they want you to think... In Texarcana I woke up with an infected eye, engine belts squealing, and no idea what else would happen in the day ahead. At the first stop, while backing out I had gotten my bumper stuck on some screws sticking up out of a piece of steel at the gas station. I'm sure the three of us amazing women (Myself, Laura and Allison) could have figured out how to get it off but some very helpful/bossy Texans came to asses the situation. It just took a few moments, but once back on the road, Allison informed me that by being in the car trying to save my car from being "screwed" (pun intended) that I missed the Texan that had two teeth. Damn.

The plans were to stop for lunch at Arkadelphia (yes, correctly if Texarcana wasnt bad enough already) but it proved to be full of nothing. We ended up stopping a Dixie barbeque restuarant which served good food but the Free Ice Cream Machine was broken. As if the day couldnt get any worse...

Later on we were stuck beind a truck pushing 50 in a 60 in the middle of nowhere in a sloppy rain mess. We took a wrong turn and ended up in Brian/Bryan Texas. By now I was begining to think that maybe I should reconsider this Texas idea...I mean the shit really didnt hit the fan until we hit TEXarcana.

However, we FINALLY MADE IT! Austin was as beautiful as ever when we pulled in....I can't wait to see what the summer has in store for us.

We also saw the new movie Baby Mama, which is VERY FUNNY. I recommend taking any mother with a rauncy sense of humor to see it for Mother's Day. Unfortunately, I won't be able to take mine. :(

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Floating off to Dreamland on my...raft?

I have the greatest family a girl could ever ask for! My mom, dad and two of my magnificent brothers came to help me move into my new house this weekend! They met my crazy landlord, took me and my roommate out to dinner and offer to fix up my bike.

Upon moving my furniture, my family took my bed home to fix it (typical malfunction, dont get any funny ideas) and left me with this sweet air mattress that reminds me of sleeping on a raft. I woke up last night thinking i was in the middle of the ocean somewhere. Waking up on the ocean would be scary, but at least it would be a mini-vaca from finals week and packing.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Packing, finals, getting ready for Texas...anything else???

The word of the week is packing.....Packing to move to my new house, packing to move to texas, packing my brain with lots of studying for finals...Every year around this time I being to think that the combination of nerves and stress will ultimately end in my very own spontaneious combustion.

Just a few more days before I get to get out of Muncie, spend some time with my family and head on down to the dirty South.

While in Texas I will be interning with bridal designer Linda Asaf (, taking online classes, spending time with some Texans, listening to lots of live music and eating alot of amazing food.

In Texas, I will be living with my friend Allison and her family. So what I could easily say in a million words I will say in a few - I AM SO EXCITED!